Friday 18 December 2015

Feeling Rich In Christmas

Unlock  The Money Code .  " Money Never Enough "

Merry Christmas 

Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year 

Money Never Enough -Dwayne Anderson

All of us want to be happy and have enough money, it is true that "Money isn't Everything" but the reality is that many ideas in this world require money to materialize, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for now.

The sad opinion is - "Happiness that Money Brings cannot last".

I took to write this book after reading a translated chinese article by a famous Hongkong tycoon; the translated quote depicts how every salaried person need to struggle each day trying to recover his daily expenditure and living his life facing such rat race will just keeps all this people locked down with each day only looking for ways and means to earn money .. the struggle pushes on.

"With Money, people cannot necessarily materialize everything, however without money many things cannot be accomplished".

Money Never Enough 

The Hongkong  Tycoon once told his son: “My apple tastes different to yours. It tastes much better. That is because when I was a little boy, I passed by fruit stands, and I had no money to buy any fruit.” 
He  further elaborates ;
“Observing billionaires spending their money, we learn a lesson in living: 
Life can be designed . Careers can be planned .Happiness can be prepared . 
When you  are poor ,  try  spend less time at  home and more time outside . 
When you are rich ,stay  at home  more and less  out side . 
This  is the art of living with frugality . 
When  you are poor spend money on others . 
When you’re rich spend money on yourself.
When one is poor be good to others , When one is rich, one must learn to let others be good to you .
You have to learned to be good to yourself better.
When you are poor , you have to  throw yourself out in the open and 
let people make good use of you 
When you are rich , you have to conserve yourself well and don’t  let people make use of you.
You do not need  to be afraid of being poor , you need to know how to invest in yourself and increase your wisdom  and stature . 
Money Never Enough 

This book tells you how to change your thermostat to think rich. Furthermore, it stresses on having an entrepreneur mindset and that the best way to escape the rat race and to be successful is to take action today. Really insightful and hard hitting.

Cash Money From Crowdfunding

Discover How Crowd Funding Can Increase Your 
Chances Of Getting Funding And Turn Your Dreams 
Into A Reality! 
If you are thinking about starting a business but don’t have the capital, you might be wondering about how to put something together. 
In the past years, there has been a great rise and interest in collaboration. Thanks to the internet and its ability to reach many people in the least amount of time, collaboration between people from all walks of life is now possible. 
But you might be facing some issues: 
You don’t understand how crowd funding works. 
You don’t have any information on companies that can help you get started. 
You don’t know how to deal with difficulties that arise. 
Many more issues… 
It sounds like something you’re interested in, right? Having start up fees or business expenses contributed to by someone else? 
However, it is not as easy as you think... 
Here’s why... 
Getting Money From Others Is Not Easy... 
Source : Wikimedia Common 

Some charities or organization often think that with crowd funding sites, they could just leave and expect for things 
to happen without supervision. Just like with anything in life, if you want to earn money, you need to work for it.  There really is no shortcut in the whole deal. 
For an organization to raise the money that it needs there should be visibility. 
In other word, as an organizer or as an organization, you need to get the word out that you are raising funds for a  certain cause. 
You need to market your charity and or business and make people aware of what is happening. 

Cash Money from the Crowd 

You cannot leave it all to crowd funding sites since their main work is to help you and your organization and because 
many people are skeptical. 
It Involves Dealing With People And Knowing What They Want... 
You cannot leave it all to crowd funding sites since their main work is to help you and your organization and because 
many people are skeptical. Based on research, crowdfunding will expand in the coming years. 

The question is how crowdfunding can help you to raise funds and support for your projects and causes. 
But you have to know what your market is and what your people want in order for them to contribute. 
Here’s To New Skills You Can Use... 
There are models that you could choose from when it comes to crowdfunding. You need to learn what these models are. As well there are several companies and websites out there that can help you in this endeavor as well as make it almost completely automated. 

These are tools you need and I can show you where they are and how to use them. 
Why is Crowdfunding becoming so popular? 

Crowdfunding particularly benefits non-profit organizations, new startups small businesses, SME and independent entrepreneurs. 
New Striving entrepreneurs in these groups are finding it harder to find funding through more traditional means, such as grants or bank loan 
Typically Grants are difficult because only a certain number of recipients will be awarded a specific amount of money. 

These limit prospects, and mean that many promising ventures or creative driven ideas are never given a chance. 

With crowdfunding, there is a New Life-line ... find out How ?