Sunday, 6 July 2014

Emblem of Ancient China Treasured Masterpieces Signify Wealth Beyond Abundance

Concerning a civilization, five thousand years of continuous existence speak for themselves. “Splendors of Imperial China,” and the catalogue volumes issued to commemorate it, should generate a true sense of admiration and respect for a culture and civilization little known in the West, but from which there is a great deal to be learned.

 Treasured Masterpieces 

Ancient China  Mystic Wealth 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Treasured Masterpieces of Ancient Chinese Imperial Treasure Exhibiting in Japan for the First Time

Hundreds of artefacts and artworks from the Taipei National Palace Museum were due to go on display in Japan for the first time.
But Taiwan threatened to cancel the event after it emerged that the word “national” had been omitted from a number of promotional posters and tickets.
The name issue has long been a sensitive topic for Taiwan, which is recognised by only 22 countries after a decades-old diplomatic tug-of-war with China from which it split in 1949.

In order to give its artifacts and artwork on loan, the NPM wanted guarantees from the Japan government, not only from the museums, that its masterpieces would be sent back after the exhibit in Taipei.

For this reason, Taiwan does not send its works of art to states that do not have specific laws on the matter. So imagine  How the leader of the  Taiwan   will feel  ,as  Taiwanese noticed the "National " word  is  missing .
Guaranteess from Japan  become a worrisome commitment  ; To  them as the Missing  Word on the brochure , may not be that serious  ,But  The Heritage  of Chinese 's 500 years  History and Culture  may be at risk  therefore   such   Careless mistake  cannot  be Taken Too for Granted .

In the  past  since   1991, Taiwan  sent various works of art to countries that offered legal guarantees," said NPM Director Dr Feng  , and Other Countries in the region  may be  given similar opportunites in the near future  except maybe China .  Similar agreements have been signed in the past with the United States, France, Germany and Austria.

Among the museums that preserve the masterpieces of Chinese art, the one in Taipei has the same origin as the Palace Museum in Beijing's Forbidden City
Taiwan's NPM holds in fact more than 696,000 artefacts brought from Beijing to Taiwan after the civil war in mainland China.

The disagreement broke out  in Mid June  2014  after the name of Taiwan’s national museum was changed in promotional posters advertising an upcoming exhibition in Japan — a spat that highlighted Taipei’s sensitivity over its global  diplomatic status.
Hundreds of artifacts and artworks from the Taipei National Palace Museum were due to go on display in Japan for the first time.
But Taiwan threatened to cancel the event after it emerged that the word “national” had been omitted from a number of promotional posters and tickets.

The name issue has long been a sensitive topic for Taiwan, which is recognised by only 22 countries after a decades-old diplomatic tug-of-war with China from which it split in 1949.
The row was solved at the last minute after the Tokyo National Museum, the exhibition’s main sponsor, fixed the problematic posters, museum officials in Taipei said.

A Taiwan Spokewoman  added that the Tokyo museum owes Taiwan an apology for its mistake. Taiwanese officials have insisted the Tokyo museum guaranteed in a contract that the lender’s full name would be used and that the word “national” would not be omitted.

Japan, like most countries, has diplomatic ties with Beijing rather than Taipei. But it maintains close trade and other ties with Taiwan, which was its colony from 1895 to 1945.
The National Palace Museum last year announced the loan of 231 artefacts to Japan, its first to an Asian country, following exhibitions in the United States, France, Germany and Austria.
The museum’s contents — one of the world’s finest collections of Chinese treasures — mostly came from Beijing’s Forbidden City.
They were brought to the island by Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek, when he fled to Taiwan after losing the Chinese civil war to the communists in 1949.

For years the National Palace Museum was unwilling to lend the artefacts to Japan for fear that China would try to reclaim them, until the Japanese government passed a law in 2011 to prevent such seizures.
China regards Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary, although tensions have eased markedly since Taiwan’s President Ma  Took Office

Origin of Ancient Chinese Imperial Treasure

Monday, 31 March 2014

The Splendors of China, U.S Tour by Asian Art Museum -New York , Chicago and San Francisco

The  exhibition been organized by the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

It is supported in part by The Henry Luce Foundation, The Starr Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, and an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Transportation assistance has been provided by China Airlines.

Support for local presentation has been generously provided in part by The Chase Manhattan Private Bank, the Bernard Osher Foundation, KGO-Newstalk AM 810, KGOTV Channel 7, The San Francisco Chronicle, and Grants for the Arts of the San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund.

"Two catalogue volumes have been published to commemorate the exhibit. The full catalogue, “Possessing the Past: Treasures from the National Palace Museum,Taipei,” by Wen C. Fong and James C.Y.Wyatt, is 648 pages long, and is priced at$85. “Splendors of Imperial China: Treasures from the National Palace Museum,Taipei,” by Maxwell K. Hearn, is a beautiful, shorter (144 page) report of the exhibit, priced at $35. Both volumes are published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. and the National Palace Muse-um, Taipei, and may be available in local libraries."

China Treasure

An unsurpassed survey of Chinese art treasures from one of the greatest collections in the world will be on view at the Asian Art Museum in Golden Gate Park from October 14 to December 8, 1996. Heralded by scholars and critics as the greatest exhibition of Chinese art ever presented in America,Splendors of Imperial China: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei spans over 4.000 years of Chinese history and features nearly 350 of the finest and most famous works from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, whose holdings are based on the personal collections of China's emperors. Included in the exhibition are priceless paintings, jades, bronzes, ceramics, textiles and lacquerware which were passed among China's imperial rulers from century to century.

 China Bronze Artifact 

Splendors of Imperial China has been organized by the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and is drawn entirely from the National Palace Museum, which possesses one of the world's richest and most renowned collections of Chinese art. On only two other occasions have exhibitions from the National Palace Museum been seen in the west - in London (1935-36) and in the United States (1961-62).

The works of art in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, are classified as national treasures; some have been passed down from dynasty to dynasty since the Northern Sung period (960-1127), the era when the foundation of the collection was amassed. The greater part of the Museum's vast collection entered the Palace during the reign of the Ch'ien-lung emperor (reigned 1736-95), and many of the objects, especially those in jade and bronze, are intimately connected with state rituals. Others have served as symbols of sovereign power such as the Emperor's jade seal, which in China is the equivalent of the crown of a European king.

Following the collapse of the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911 and the eventual expulsion of the last emperor from the Forbidden City in 1924, the Palace Museum opened in Peking in 1925. With the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and the imminent danger of an assault on northern China, the government took measures to safeguard the treasures in the Palace Museum. A large group of the finest objects was carefully placed into wooden crates and shipped south, beginning a 30-year odyssey that took the art over thousands of miles by train, boat, truck, and even hand towed barge, usually under the most adverse wartime conditions. At war's end, the nearly 20,000 crates, which had been divided into several shipments to avoid detection, were reunited in Nanking for a brief period before Chiang Kai-shek moved a selection of them containing more than 600,000 pieces to Taiwan in 1949. It was another 16 years - during which time the collection was stored first in sugar warehouses and then in specially constructed tunnels, before the National Palace Museum, Taipei, opened in 1965 and the public was again able to see this legacy of Chinese civilization.

Among the earliest treasures on view in Splendors of Imperial China are perforated discs (pi) of jade from the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC, and ancient bronze vessels from the Shang (c. 1600-1100 BC) and Chou (c. 1100-256 BC) dynasties. Remarkable examples of calligraphy, figure and landscape painting from the Sung dynasty (10th-13th century), and masterpieces by the creators and reformers of the literati (scholar-artist) tradition from the Sung through early Ch'ing periods (11th-18th century) are highlights.

Visitors to the San Francisco presentation of Splendors will have the opportunity to view numerous works that have never been seen outside of China. Two life-size imperial portraits -- Portrait of Sung Jen-tsung (anonymous, 11th century) and Portrait of the Hungwu emperor (anonymous, 14th century), are among those showcased. The exhibition features a selection of the finest known examples of imperial ceramics from the Sung through Ch'ing periods, as well as stunning cloisonne, enamels, snuff bottles, and writing tools. Rare treasures in jade are complemented by an array of lacquerwares including boxes, trays, vases and screens. Of particular note are the exquisite treasure boxes of the Ch'ien-lung emperor that replicate in miniature his personal favorites from the imperial collection.

China Mystic Wealth Luck 

that delves into what a lot of us have been struggling with. Whether we are rich or we are struggling to pay the bills, everyone wants to know how to be prosperous; how to attract wealth and keep the wealth that we have attracted. This book explores that desire we all have and proffers real world and practical solutions that are rooted  since  ancient times

The secrets revealed in this book are those that have been practices in ancient China for thousands of years. These are the secrets that famously wealthy Asian business men have gotten hold of and used to build multi-billion dollar empires. The author dug into the myths and legends surrounding these secrets and has graciously shared her findings with us.

Many of these are rooted in spirituality. The ancient Chinese understood that the world was not one-dimensional and that the spiritual impacted on the physical. As such, this book shows us how we can tap into the wealth of the universe and make it ours. It is definitely worth the read.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Ancient China Mystic 220 B.C Bestows Wealth with Abundance

Find Out China's Well Kept Historiographic Tradition to Attracting Wealth

Puyi was last remembered in the Movie ; “The Last Emperor ” directed by Bernardo Bertolucci , which grossed over USD 43,984,230 in Box office . 
During the course before he was evicted from the imperial palace ,the Last Emperor of China, described how his last few loyalties and eunuchs would settle their severance pensions on their own by smuggling invaluable artifacts collected by his ancestors of the Qing dynasty for sale. Although many have been stolen , lost but yet there are glimpse of hope as truly ,not all are lost , as a massive 696,000 of these artifacts had actually been shifted to Taiwan secretly just after the Cultural Revolution period in China

 Ancient  China Mystic 220 B.C Bestows Wealth with Abundance 

 In 2011  ,while the media  were busy reporting on the lucky mystical powers of the “Tibetan Dragon Sutra” which  had been released  for public  viewing in  year 2011 in Taiwan  , not many  has  remembered  why and how  did   such a huge collection of  artifacts  had  landed  in Taiwan . The "Dragon's Sutras, Tibetan language edition" was once housed in the Buddha Hall of the Cining Palace inside the Forbidden City. Buddhists believe that someone who has the chance to read the entire compilation would be blessed for seven generations of  good  luck

People were amazed  and fancied  only about how former President Chen Shui-bian took his last  opportunity  to  have  his private viewing of the magical artifact shortly before he left his Taiwan presidency office in 2008, no one seems to wonder why a copy of the sutra in now  in China , with another portion in China .
How and why  were all the artifacts  moved to  Taiwan ?
Does the museum  has similar other  artifacts  with  such  Lucky Mystical Powers !
While Presidents are  given quality time with original copies, and people with millions to spare can have the next second  best thing, the majority of the people are pretty much kept from it. Is there  another  Mythical  products that  equalize to provide such blessing
 Are  there other artifacts  or ancient  mystic symbols  which  has such  similar   capacity  as the Dragon sutra  collection
Can  similar  Prosperity symbols actually help you in building wealth and  bless  the user  with  seven generation of good luck also .  Which could  be the  other   Ancient  Mystic  symbols  that  every  individual    can  be  blessed  to  engage  with ?

Can prosperity symbols actually help you in building Wealth with  Abundance ?
Unlocking  Wealth  Luck Potential
The  most important luck  that  all working individual   concern themselves  with  each and  every day  is  of course WEALTH  LUCK . 
Since  Ancient  times ,there have been several myths  and rituals for creating wealth over the centuries and one of them is  by the  empowering of  Mystic symbols and objects  to   attract wealth and manifesting abundance 


Will you be one of those who turns your Life around with this ancient China  220 BC Mystic© Symbol  which   attracts  Wealth & Success 
Today we will explore  on  the subject  of  some ancient symbols  from China which is hardly known in the West. This is a very ancient  technique  of  welcoming wealth and success from the orient which has been tried and tested there for hundreds of years. 
Many  tycoons in the Pacific Rim reputedly swear by it and many professional executives  from South  Asian  economies  are said to carry one with them or have them at  home . For years this  Mystic© Symbol  has provided this amazing luck and wealth attraction  mystic  to orientals   in  an astoundingly simple wealth  creation technique but behind that simple exterior lies an ancient belief which is complex and fully  accords with old ancient China  teaching  since 220 B.C.

The Odyssey of China's Imperial Art Treasures

The Odyssey of China's Imperial Art Treasures traces the 3,000 history of the emperor's imperial collection, from the Bronze Age to the present. The tortuous history of these treasures involves a succession of dynasties, invasion and conquest, and civil war, resulting in valiant attempts to rescue and preserve the collection. Throughout history, different Chinese regimes used the imperial collection to bolster their own political legitimacy, domestically and internationally. 

The narrative follows the gradual formation of the Peking Palace Museum in 1925, its hasty fragmentation as large parts of the collection were moved perilously over long distances to escape wartime destruction, and finally its formal division into what are today two Palace Museums - one in Beijing, the other in Taipei. Enlivened by the personalities of those who cared for the collection, this textured account of the imperial treasures highlights magnificent artworks and their arduous transit through politics, war, and diplomatic reconciliations. 

Over the years, control of the collections has been fiercely contested, from early dynasties through Mongol and Japanese invaders to Nationalist and Communist rivals - a saga that continues today. This first book-length investigation of the imperial collections will be of great interest to China scholars, historians, and Chinese art specialists. Its tales of palace intrigue will fascinate a wide variety of readers.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

2014 Academy Award Boost Red Carpet Wealth for Aspiring and Mega Stars

To be Rich  and  famous Star   is Not  easy , but  with  the sheer numbers of award ceremonies around  the globe  where  aspiring  stars will take every opportunity  to get noticed, they  will need to be  bold  and must invest  in their  sexy outfits   in order capitalize  on  the law of attraction  even  to get  photographers and  fans or audience  to take their pictures so that their images  are splashed  across top magazine or internet news media website  to get their images broadcast realtime to the World
Red Carpet Academy Award - Wikimedia Common 

Like  every  other majors award ceremonies, The Red Carpet seems  to exceed a good wealth of media  attraction   and  it has become increasing important  that  those aspiring  or already top mega stars  simply  will embrace the  red Carpet with stride , and what’s more glamorous than at the Academy awards 2014 .
The  Wealth attraction power of the Red Carpet here has  since over many years brought on Big wealth luck to some of the world Riches  stars in this year  Academy ,among those on the list is current Oscar nominee Sandra Bullock for this year’s “Gravity.” 
Topping the wealthiest Oscar winners is Jack Nicholson who won three Oscars for his roles in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” (1976), “Terms of Endearment” (1984), and “As Good As It Gets” (1998).  
Compliment  : Wikimedia common

Nicholson is also the most honored living male actor with 12 nominations and 3 wins. Only Meryl Streep edges him out with 18 total nominations and  you can guess  how many Red carpets he has walked on since  he flew  over the cuckoo’s nest
Red With Wealth Luck  -  compliment picture fromWikimedia Common 

Check out the full list of some of the  wealthiest  who has walked the red carpet  even Now :

Net Worth
Oscar Category
Jack Nicholson
$390 million
1998: Best Actor
1984: Best Supporting Actor
1976: Best Actor
“As Good as it Gets”
“Terms of Endearment”
“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”
Tom Hanks
$350 million
1995: Best Actor
1994: Best Actor
“Forrest Gump”
Robert De Niro
$310 million
1981: Best Actor
1975: Best Supporting Actor
“Raging Bull”
“The Godfather: Part II”
Barbra Streisand
$310 million
1969: Best Actress
“Funny Girl”
Sean Connery
$250 million
1988: Best Supporting Actor
“The Untouchables”
George Clooney
$220 million
2006: Best Supporting Actor
Michael Douglas
$200 million
1988: Best Actor
“Wall Street”
Anthony Hopkins
$160 million
1992: Best Actor
“Silence of the Lambs”
Robin Williams
$150 million
1998: Best Supporting Actor
“Good Will Hunting”
Sandra Bullock
$150 million
2010: Best Actress
“The Blind Side”

Sunday, 2 March 2014

New Korea Drama Attracts Wealth of Viewership exceeding Billion views on Video as K –pop Culture exceeds above law of attraction, a popular online streaming service in China recently  bought the right to bring  South Korean’s new TV drama  You Who Came  From the Stars  to china  TV viewer   and is attracting a wealth of viewership ,  reaching a new high of how a popular  k- drama in short  breeze of time manage  top TV  raking  hitting  top viewership in China

The  full  episodes on iQIYI have been viewed more than 550 million times. And the number doesn’t even take into account of websites that feature the show illegally.

Every week when a new episode comes out, it became  the top trending topics on Weibo, China’s leading social media, with  millions of user searching  for  details  on its storyline or the characters. For example, as both  the male actor  Do Min-Joon and female  actor , Cheon Song-yi is the top searched keyword on Weibo. 

The show is so popular that it may just as well save China’s declining poultry market amid the recent health crisis  affected  by  the  new deadly bird flu fears. “Fried chicken and beer” are the heroine’s favorite treat, especially on a snowing day. During the recent Valentine’s Day, many restaurants in China promoted “fried chicken and beer” as their main Valentine dish.

Alien fever triumphs bird flu.

The drama  brought  on New Found Wealth  as  the advertisement   accompanying  each  serial broadcast each week  shot  up ,with advertiser  hoping  to  catch  up with the hot trends  for maximum  customer  clicking on their  advertisement ,the millions of viewers covering  from china to South  east Asian viewers  were mostly streaming   to watching online with  their portable gadgets . the online  streaming  each tooks hours as each serial  last average 45 minutes per show and  viewer  were watch average  2  episodes  while travelling   or relaxing at home . What brought  on such popularity  was further enhanced as viewer simple shared the video on line  using social media  and the   raking  just  keep shooting  up .
The  show is a romantic comedy about an alien who comes to Korea during the Joseon Dynasty 400 years ago. He shifts to modern times and falls in love with an actress. The  storyline were  written by Park Ji Eun, who  works include  the drama My Husband Got A Family, which  will be produced by Jang Tae Yoo.

The lead role, Do Min Joon, who has a fascinating appearance and has  wonderful abilities, comes to Joseon by UFO, and  has lived for four centuries by changing his identity, and falls in love with an actress named Chun Song E
September 25, 1609. An alien crash  landed in  Joseon. For 404 years, he is living as a young handsome man and  has kep his original self  as the first time he came to the Earth. He has eyes of a hawk, and ears of a wolf, and he can move great speed.

 In certain moments, he can foresee the near future of someone. But he carefully hides his powers and never uses them. Until he can leave Earth, he plans to live peacefully with dignity and not get involved with anyone. Fundamentally, he is very cynical about love. He believes that love, as talked about by humans, is basically curiosity, jealousy, sexual desires, possessiveness, sympathy that is misunderstood.

But once Min Joon meets a woman named Cheon Song Yi, his life without his consent is filled with unexpected situations. For the first time after 400 years in Earth, this beautiful man from outer space starts to  understand  real love. And as his real identity is revealed to the world, he is threatened and becomes in danger.

But the real beating heart of the show is the heroine Cheon Song-yi, played by Jun Ji-hyun. Song-yi has been a star since childhood and was once crowned South Korea’s “national sweetheart.” Her fame gradually vanished after one of her rival stars was murdered by the evil guy in the show. Jun gives the character life by playing her as a proud (about her beauty), creative  and  outgoing  girl , but vulnerable at  times

 “She is a perfect goddess in one minute, and then in the next minute, she is a completely silly girl.”