Wednesday, 22 June 2022

“You Can’t Eat Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin. You can Eat Cans of Tuna and Baked Beans” Robert Kiyosaki

 “You Can’t Eat Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin. You can Eat Cans of Tuna and Baked Beans” Robert Kiyosaki

As a direct consequence of the current bearish price action, a number of Bitcoin bulls have abandoned the cryptocurrency and shifted their focus to other assets.

This post is a compliment post from: Medium/Socialvibes 

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling financial book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” recently made the assertion that the economy of the United States might be struck by both a “great collapse” and a “new depression.” The rise in inflation measured in terms of the United States dollar, together with an increase in interest rates implemented by the Federal Reserve (FED) of the United States, are both indicators of potential economic roadblocks.

On the other hand, it seems that Mr. Kiyosaki realign his own earlier advise, as he shared the following on his own Twitter account


“ Cans of Tuna Fish. Inflation about to take off. Best investments are cans of tuna & baked beans. You can’t eat gold, silver, or Bitcoin. You can eat cans of tuna and baked beans. Food most important. Starvation next problem. Invest in the solution. Take care ”…….Robert Kiyosaki

The main point of the tweets is about starvation. Invest in the way to solve the problem. Take precautions.

Some individuals answered that Kiyosaki could have been kidding. Some people seem to have taken the advise to heart, since they are of the opinion that the economy on a worldwide scale is set to undergo a difficult period.
Kiyosaki, on the other hand, had previously stated and forecast the possible coming collapse, which he believed would be followed by a recession .

The working class suffers the most from inflation. The affluent become even wealthier as a result of inflation. Get ready for a massive collapse followed by a possible depression if the war extend into October when Winter has arrived in Ukraine . This winter will dry up gas supplies in Europe , all european alliance Country’s Election and inflation will deride all the exiting ruling Government .Ukraine’s ruling government will also need to go to re-election for their Presidency .

The present President is Ignorant ( he does Not know the effect of Debts inflicted due to his commitment -on his own country )he is dragging the Whole of Ukraine to 100 years of Debt and this is destroying the country

. ( I just wonder if all the contributed weapons is now being disassembled in the weapon Black market and sold for Cash ? )

The fundamentals that led Kiyosaki to believe that Bitcoin (BTC) was a good investment appear to be valid: the cryptocurrency is a way to opt out of the FED-controlled economy and gain more financial freedom. This was one of the reasons that led Kiyosaki to believe that Bitcoin was a good investment.

Based on his tweets , I gauge and speculate he is suggesting to look into investment related with food production industries …but

So far we notice There is NOT a DEFICIENCY IN FOOD!!! in most first world country but in actual fact many countries are literally wasting food… maybe A FAKE scarcity is created as a result of the actions of a few insane individuals who purchase thousands of dollars’ worth of stock piled items, such as toilet paper, steaks, canned veggies, and other items that can be frozen or stored recently …but in their restaurant , check the Kitchen , thrown away foods exceed tons of trash each day !

However, if nothing is done in a timely manner, there WILL be a lack of agricultural products… Because the whole globe will be suffering from the unexpected increases in budgets and working to balance their own national debts, it is possible that international assistance for third world nations will be relatively low for some time.

That is to say, as we have seen, the demand for unity and solidarity has NOT BEEN ANSWERED BY EACH AND EVERY COUNTRY WITH THE SAME Empathy. Some individuals enjoyed engaging in political games in order to further their own agendas while also demonstrating a lack of morality by promoting personal RIGHTS above the requirements of the society.

THESE countires will make it very challenging for the globe to advance in a constructive manner. What we need to do is simply enforce a sanction on those nations that refuse to conserve food in a responsible manner.

The following are some of the reasons why food shortages will become a global crisis:

The inflation of food prices has arrived and will likely remain for some time. Every time we go to the grocery store, we realize that it has become much worse. Since July of 2021, the prices of essential food commodities such as wheat, maize, soybeans, and rice have been steadily climbing to all-time highs. As food supply deficiencies truly begin to take their toll both this year and beyond, it is only reasonable to anticipate that these steady price hikes will continue. There is No export of food supplies since the war started

This past summer, Russia implemented a prohibition on the export of wheat in order to secure a sufficient supply for the country, which led to accusations of protectionism. The agricultural sector in the United States is already discussing the possibility of limiting grain due to regulations rather than supply worries. Regarding the practice of food protectionism, we have not yet seen anything.

Because of widespread food shortages, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has been obliged to hold emergency meetings, during which they declare immediate solutions are required. They point to weather extremes as the primary reason leading to the escalating food shortages. However, speculation in commodities has also come under fire as one of the factors contributing to the problem.

1. Severe and Abnormal Weather:

Weather extremes have been a significant contributor to the worldwide food crisis, from the summer droughts and heat waves that wiped out Russia’s wheat harvest to the continuous tragedies caused by so-called “biblical floods” in Australia and Pakistan. And this is not the end of the story. The whole continent of Europe as well as the United States has been hit by a severe cold front that brought snow with it. The failure of staple crops in each of these locations will make the harvest for this year . According to previous bad harvest years , it is quite probable that we will continue to experience severe weather and that it will become much worse in the years to come.

2. Collapsing Dollar:

The speculation on commodities has led to a tremendous rise in food prices, which has already reached crisis proportions in some of the world’s most impoverished places. Due mostly to the fact that they are traded in an ever-weakening currency, food commodity prices have skyrocketed to record highs. Traders will cite to the conditions detailed in this article to explain their bets, but they will also point to the fact that food represents a physical investment in an age when paper has no value. The United States dollar will continue to decline in value as a result of worsening debt problems in the United States, as well as the fact that countries such as China and Russia are moving away from using the Petrodollar as their primary trading vehicle as seen in this Russia-Ukraine’s conflict . This will further push up prices for all commodities.

3. Stricter Regulatory Measures:

Even before the current Food Safety Modernization Act was passed, the FDA was already being granted extensive new powers to regulate food. As a result, small farms were already being raided and regulated out of existence. Now, the new food bill basically places food safety under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security, where the food cartel utilizes the government to further consolidate their control over the business

4. The ever-increasing cost of oil:

the last time , Food costs reached all-time highs in 2008, driven to new heights by record oil prices that hit $148 per barrel. During the period in which oil prices were on the rise, the cost of rice and other basic items more than quadrupled in only six months.

The price of oil has numerous effects on the cost of food, including the cost of plowing fields, applying fertilizer and insecticides, harvesting crops, and transporting them. In this year 2022, which was its highest price in the last five months , it is probable that prices will continue to rise. The value of the dollar is expected to continue to decline, which will contribute to rising oil costs and, as a direct result of this, higher food prices.

5. Tackling of Global warming

Global warming and weather changes has affected food production in almost every countries, and as the Globe gets warmer, the situation can only get worse

7. Genetically Modified Food Giants:

A number of nations have decided not to cultivate genetically modified organisms (GM) crops as more people become aware of the potential risks associated with eating them. Given that GMO companies currently control a significant portion of the food supply, it would seem that they are also readily able to manipulate pricing in order to obtain total worldwide control of the food supply.

For the above reasons, Robert Kiyosaki has sent a reminder . People Need to be fed , He mentioned ; You can’t eat gold, silver, or Bitcoin. You can eat cans of tuna and baked beans.

#Disclaimer Note : This publication is not intended for use as a source of any financial , money making legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest carefully reading the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying it to any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibility for what you choose to do with this information. This article is not meant for financial advice , Use with your own judgment.

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