Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Printable Gig - Side hustle Business - Print On demand

 Printable Gig Business

Building a business in the printable market can be fun and easy, as well as incredibly profitable. Printables are continuing to grow in popularity and regardless of the industry, chances are you’ll find printables are being used.

From goal settings, time trackers, organizational charts, productivity planners to simple calendars and journal-style layouts, there is an endless demand for well-designed printables.

Start by choosing a 
specific niche and create printables that cater to the needs of that particular audience. This is called casting a narrow net rather than a wide one.

For example, you could launch an Etsy shop selling health and fitness planners, specifically targeting those who are looking to track their weight loss progress, or who are focused on a particular diet like low carb or keto.

Printable Sample Page 

Then, branch out as you get an idea as to what other types of printables they are most interested in. Plug in a traffic source like Pinterest and focus on just one campaign at a time.

Make sure you optimize your entire shop as well as every product listing starting with the title and description. Inject tags based on your focus keyword and highlight the benefits of your printables.

Later on, you can begin to build a targeted mailing list by offering coupon codes that are exclusive to your newsletter subscribers, or 
offer free printables to existing customers in order to build and nurture your relationships while solidifying your brand.

And above all else, always work towards building your printable inventory. The more products you have available on your shop, the more money you’ll make: it’s as simple as that. Every new product opens the doors to additional traffic, ranking and optimizing for other prime keywords that people are using when searching for products like yours.

Yes, it’ll take work, but the great part about it is that once you’ve established a decent-sized inventory on Etsy, you’ll be able to consistently update without having to do as much as you do when you’re just starting.

It’s important to stock those shelves!

You want people to be able to browse your shop and have lots to choose from, rather than just give them a couple of options so spend some time loading up your shop before you focus on marketing strategies.

Goal: Aim for 50 listings minimum, 100 listings even better.

Plus, Etsy rewards shops that consistently update with fresh offers so work on a simple content schedule that keeps your storefront loaded with new products every week or month. You’ll notice the increase in exposure and of course, the increase in sales every time you update!

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