Sunday, 26 April 2015

"Tulipmania At Heart " for All Mothers Day

History of Mother's Day: Present Day Celebrations ( extract compliment : )
Today Mothers Day is celebrated in several countries including US, UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan and Belgium. People take the day as an opportunity to pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. The day has become hugely popular and in several countries phone lines witness maximum traffic. There is also a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and others gift to mothers on the Mothers Day. The festival has become commercialised to a great extent. Florists, card manufacturers and gift sellers see huge business potential in the day and make good money through a rigorous advertising campaign. 

In Singapore , the  Tulipmania  is hosted  by the Garden  by the Bay ,

Tulipmania Floral Display

"Tulipmania" is the second of six chapters in Gardens by the Bay's storytelling journey in 2015. This enchanting series of floral displays for the year will draw visitors into the magical world of folklore, legends, fairy tales and nursery rhymes as told through the language of plants .The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March - but end buy  10th  May - Mothers Day . 
 Here I will like to  Share  "Tulipmania  At Heart " ,if Any Sweet Wonderfull Mothers Missed the  Events . ...

Tulip Mania at Heart
Tulipmania Fantasia
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 Tulipmania At Heart 

Come Visit  "Tulipmania at Heart" for an Open ground  experience  .
Enjoy the wonderful experience with your Mother.
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