Friday, 18 December 2015

Feeling Rich In Christmas

Unlock  The Money Code .  " Money Never Enough "

Merry Christmas 

Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year 

Money Never Enough -Dwayne Anderson

All of us want to be happy and have enough money, it is true that "Money isn't Everything" but the reality is that many ideas in this world require money to materialize, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for now.

The sad opinion is - "Happiness that Money Brings cannot last".

I took to write this book after reading a translated chinese article by a famous Hongkong tycoon; the translated quote depicts how every salaried person need to struggle each day trying to recover his daily expenditure and living his life facing such rat race will just keeps all this people locked down with each day only looking for ways and means to earn money .. the struggle pushes on.

"With Money, people cannot necessarily materialize everything, however without money many things cannot be accomplished".

Money Never Enough 

The Hongkong  Tycoon once told his son: “My apple tastes different to yours. It tastes much better. That is because when I was a little boy, I passed by fruit stands, and I had no money to buy any fruit.” 
He  further elaborates ;
“Observing billionaires spending their money, we learn a lesson in living: 
Life can be designed . Careers can be planned .Happiness can be prepared . 
When you  are poor ,  try  spend less time at  home and more time outside . 
When you are rich ,stay  at home  more and less  out side . 
This  is the art of living with frugality . 
When  you are poor spend money on others . 
When you’re rich spend money on yourself.
When one is poor be good to others , When one is rich, one must learn to let others be good to you .
You have to learned to be good to yourself better.
When you are poor , you have to  throw yourself out in the open and 
let people make good use of you 
When you are rich , you have to conserve yourself well and don’t  let people make use of you.
You do not need  to be afraid of being poor , you need to know how to invest in yourself and increase your wisdom  and stature . 
Money Never Enough 

This book tells you how to change your thermostat to think rich. Furthermore, it stresses on having an entrepreneur mindset and that the best way to escape the rat race and to be successful is to take action today. Really insightful and hard hitting.

Cash Money From Crowdfunding

Discover How Crowd Funding Can Increase Your 
Chances Of Getting Funding And Turn Your Dreams 
Into A Reality! 
If you are thinking about starting a business but don’t have the capital, you might be wondering about how to put something together. 
In the past years, there has been a great rise and interest in collaboration. Thanks to the internet and its ability to reach many people in the least amount of time, collaboration between people from all walks of life is now possible. 
But you might be facing some issues: 
You don’t understand how crowd funding works. 
You don’t have any information on companies that can help you get started. 
You don’t know how to deal with difficulties that arise. 
Many more issues… 
It sounds like something you’re interested in, right? Having start up fees or business expenses contributed to by someone else? 
However, it is not as easy as you think... 
Here’s why... 
Getting Money From Others Is Not Easy... 
Source : Wikimedia Common 

Some charities or organization often think that with crowd funding sites, they could just leave and expect for things 
to happen without supervision. Just like with anything in life, if you want to earn money, you need to work for it.  There really is no shortcut in the whole deal. 
For an organization to raise the money that it needs there should be visibility. 
In other word, as an organizer or as an organization, you need to get the word out that you are raising funds for a  certain cause. 
You need to market your charity and or business and make people aware of what is happening. 

Cash Money from the Crowd 

You cannot leave it all to crowd funding sites since their main work is to help you and your organization and because 
many people are skeptical. 
It Involves Dealing With People And Knowing What They Want... 
You cannot leave it all to crowd funding sites since their main work is to help you and your organization and because 
many people are skeptical. Based on research, crowdfunding will expand in the coming years. 

The question is how crowdfunding can help you to raise funds and support for your projects and causes. 
But you have to know what your market is and what your people want in order for them to contribute. 
Here’s To New Skills You Can Use... 
There are models that you could choose from when it comes to crowdfunding. You need to learn what these models are. As well there are several companies and websites out there that can help you in this endeavor as well as make it almost completely automated. 

These are tools you need and I can show you where they are and how to use them. 
Why is Crowdfunding becoming so popular? 

Crowdfunding particularly benefits non-profit organizations, new startups small businesses, SME and independent entrepreneurs. 
New Striving entrepreneurs in these groups are finding it harder to find funding through more traditional means, such as grants or bank loan 
Typically Grants are difficult because only a certain number of recipients will be awarded a specific amount of money. 

These limit prospects, and mean that many promising ventures or creative driven ideas are never given a chance. 

With crowdfunding, there is a New Life-line ... find out How ? 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

They don’t teach you how to get rich at school

Sick of  Hearing  the Same Old Advice ? “ Word Hard , Control your expenses , Credit Card  is a  “No  , NO “ Do not get into Debt  !! 

Debunk  all those assumptions that  you will be  Rich  if you study hard and work  hard . This Book  is actually  not one of those .

 is all about the importance of money. The premise of the book clearly distinguishes the difference between the thinking of the rich and the poor. In essence, the only limitation between you and the rich is in your own mind, and achieving success lies in breaking these walls. At schools, you would have been stuck at algebra, Pythagorean Theorem, and organic chemistry but you never study financial planning, making money, or saving money. The book provides real-life examples to reprogram your thinking to that of the rich and wealthy.
You can't just graduate and leave  formal  education  and expect yourself to be  financially well equipped. Many people think that having a  good education  is sufficient  to  the roads to acquire new wealth  , well they can't be any more wrong! It is having the mindset of the wealthy that will make you rich. That is why many lotto winners who becomes instant millionaires loses most of their money because they don't have the proper mindset to maintain or grow their money.

You’ll discover why  some of your money beliefs might be wrong and  that could be holding you back , you  need to consider   what are the principles and what behaviors the rich have , that  you  do not have (Yet )
Laura Maya takes this idea and breaks it into twelve chapters. You wouldn’t find a recipe to turn rich overnight. Rather, the book provides a solid foundation for setting the psychological stage for strong financial habits.
Another feature of They don’t teach you how to get rich at school is the anecdotal references in the book. Laura likes to use lots of anecdotes to illustrate her points and she is quite good at it. For me, I found these references very apt to my observations in life.

The book is divided into eleven chapters:
Chapter 1: How you think about money really matters
Chapter 2: They don’t teach you how to be rich at school                        
Chapter 3: Myth or Lies , Which is True  
Chapter 4: Learn How the Rich  Think to Become Wealthy
Chapter 5: Wealth   Empowering  Beliefs           
Chapter 6: Change Your Money Mindset with Neuro Linguistic Programming
Chapter 7: Change Your Money Mindset with  Hypnotherapy      
Chapter 8: Break free from Ego
Chapter 9: Strategies for Improving Your Chances to get Rich
Chapter 10:Let Money begets  money   
Chapter 11:Developing your money making skill, mental, emotional and financial intelligence       

The premise of this book is straightforward – Rich people are programmed to think differently. Essentially, there are 18 ways in which rich people and poor people think differently. This chapter walks you through these 18 points clearly differentiating how rich and poor people think.

Studying hard, getting nice grades, and getting a job is not enough to be rich. That’s one lie which we have been fed with since our childhood. There is a difference between scholastic, professional and financial education. The book further analyzes the root cause of why you are not rich. It all boils down to your education. You were never taught about how to be rich at school. Forget that, you never even learned personal finance or how to handle money. It further touches upon how you can get smart with personal finance.

Perhaps the biggest argument Laura makes is the fact that everything can change if you change your mindset. Buying that expensive dress, impulsive buying, etc. are all signs of a poor mentality. If you make changes to your lifestyle and spending habits today, you will reap the benefits tomorrow.

On making money, Laura’s approach is simple – she emphasizes on investing, spend less, and plan for a long-term. This isn’t something new. We have all heard it. But we never implement it. Laura gives real life examples of how you can start your journey to being rich by investing for a long-term, planning your finances, and by staying on a budget. Last but not the least, she focuses on self-investment by developing your mental, financial, and emotional intelligence.

To sum up, Laura has come up with a book that truly focuses on the core problem today – financial planning and money making is simply not taught at schools. The book truly provides a step by step guide to change your thinking about money, set realistic goals, and embark a journey towards riches.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

"Tulipmania At Heart " for All Mothers Day

History of Mother's Day: Present Day Celebrations ( extract compliment : )
Today Mothers Day is celebrated in several countries including US, UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan and Belgium. People take the day as an opportunity to pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. The day has become hugely popular and in several countries phone lines witness maximum traffic. There is also a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and others gift to mothers on the Mothers Day. The festival has become commercialised to a great extent. Florists, card manufacturers and gift sellers see huge business potential in the day and make good money through a rigorous advertising campaign. 

In Singapore , the  Tulipmania  is hosted  by the Garden  by the Bay ,

Tulipmania Floral Display

"Tulipmania" is the second of six chapters in Gardens by the Bay's storytelling journey in 2015. This enchanting series of floral displays for the year will draw visitors into the magical world of folklore, legends, fairy tales and nursery rhymes as told through the language of plants .The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March - but end buy  10th  May - Mothers Day . 
 Here I will like to  Share  "Tulipmania  At Heart " ,if Any Sweet Wonderfull Mothers Missed the  Events . ...

Tulip Mania at Heart
Tulipmania Fantasia
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Here I will like to  Share  "Tulipmania  At Heart " ,if Any Sweet Wonderfull Mothers Missed the  Events . 

 Tulipmania At Heart 

Come Visit  "Tulipmania at Heart" for an Open ground  experience  .
Enjoy the wonderful experience with your Mother.
With Appreciation , Please support our ebook , Thank you

Coming Soon

Friday, 2 January 2015

Majestic Leshan Buddha (Tang Dynasty ) Due for Renovation

One of the UNESCO World heritage sites, the Leshan Buddha  stand as  an impressive statue dating back to 713A.D. since Tang Dynasty  when it was completed   
It is located at the confluence of Min River, East coast of Leshan City, and Dadu River, since it was built at Lingyun Mountain cliff, it is also known as Lingyun Giant Buddha.
The Leshan Giant Buddha was first built  since  Tang Dynasty (713), completed at 19th year of Zhenyuan, costing 90 years, by far has more than 1200 years of history. The Buddha statue has symmetrical postures, with   compassionate facial , full-length 71 meters, head height 14.7 meters, head width 10 meters, should width 8 meters, neck length 3 meters, ear length 6.7 meters, there are 1021 chignons on its head.
Contributed  by Laura Maya - Lehsan   Buddha  

Surrounding  the area  were some  ditches and caves,  which act as adrainage, cooling an ventilation system preventing the Giant Buddha from erosive weathering, making the Giant Buddha still standing at the bank of Qingyi River after thousands years of wind and frost.
It was understood  that  when  Leshan Giant Buddha was first built, there are also 13 layers of pavilions and towers above the Buddha, known as “Giant Buddha Pavillion”, providing a shelter  for the Giant Buddha, but  those  were destroyed somewhere  at the end of Ming Dynasty due to war conflict .  Tourist  can feel the aura of  culture  as they make their  way up to the statue's head, but along the way you are able to see a beautiful Buddhist temple and square.    
Contributed  by Laura Maya - Lehsan   Buddha  

On December 6th, 1996, Leshan Giant Buddha was approved by the UNESCO as the Heritage of World Culture and Nature and was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List. The comment of the Committee of World Heritage was as follows: "During the first century A. D., Mount Emei in Sichuan province became one of Buddhism's holiest sites. Over the centuries, the cultural treasures grew in number. The most remarkable is the Giant Buddha of Leshan, carved out of a hillside in the 8th century. At 71 m high, it is the largest Buddha in the world."

Tang,s legacy in China  has  lives on even  after   ten centuries later, particularly in architecture and art forms. Tang influence can be seen throughout China and also in Japan and Korea .Around Xi'an, the site of Chang'an, there are fabulous treasures from both Tang and other eras. Indeed, the western region of China is blessed with a cradle historical  wonders, both man-made and natural. To name  a few  famous  sites ,  the Shaolin Temple has become famed worldwide for its energetic martial art ,Shaolin is within easy reach of Xi'an. Another Close to Xian itself is Mount Huashan, one of five famous mountains in China, which boasts a series of strikingly-shaped peaks. The many museums in the region have fascinating displays which trace China's long and illustrious history,the Famensi is another  famous  pilgrimage  temple for  Buddhist . 

 Uncover theSecrets of Famen-Si’s Hidden Treasure Masterpieces

Finally  the  Terracotta  Museum , Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is a collection of  armies and warrior  sculptures ,it is near to  Xian , but not related to Tang  dynasty .


It   was an unusual night but  the night  sky   was very bright  as lightning  glazed  across with strong   wind and  brightened  up
the sky  that  brought on the  heavy  rainstom . This happened  at 1:57am on 4 August 1981 which led to the dramatic collapse  of the Famen Temple, a 13-storey pagoda in Shaanxi province, China.

As if it was  an indication from  an unknown divine power , the Pagoda starts to crack with one of its side slides down  with  half of the pagoda
standing , the pagoda was in vain  trying to highlight to  the world  of its refusal  to fall, with its clear intention  to protect  its underground crypt below .
This incident   caught  and  drew universal attention around the world  when  news broke out the following day.

New ebook available at  Amazon 

Like a tale straight out from a fantasy  story , a sealed and forgotten underground  palace  was discovered after the pagoda on top of it finally  totally collapsed.
Inside the crypt , one chamber led to another, revealing hidden treasures that had not been seen for more than 1,000 years.
it resulted in the discovery of forgotten treasure dating from the Tang dynasty and  beyond .

 Uncover Secrtes of Famen-si's  Hidden Treasure Masterpiece

Over the centuries, the idea of such a palace existing within the temple grounds turned into myth. Many had beleived  buddhist veneration
ritual did took place at the temple before ,but subject of  hidden treasure has been  common  folk's rumours, and temple performing   rituals  were  common in those days  especially before  the suppressive political movements,  but since no one could find it, the story was discounted.

Even  when it was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty at the same location, it was never found then ,  as archaeologist found a differentbase  foundation has been built over  the  original base . Therefore there was  No record of the  Underground palace mentioned or ever   written in any  historical document thereafter.